Health, Safety & Enviroment

Demonstrating environmental responsibility and respect to the community, ΕΜΕΚ has developed and implement ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 systems.

Health & Security in the Working Environment

Our objective is to create and maintain a secure and healthy working environment for all employees, whether they work in our facilities or at the construction sites.
We are committed to comply with Health & Safety legislation and we encourage our employees to work responsibly with respect to their individual safety as well as the safety of their colleagues.
Targeting ZERO accidents, we undertake initiatives to establish a companywide culture that puts safety into the forefront of every employee’s thinking as follows:
  • EMEK SA is certified with ISO 45001:2018
  • We provide introductory safety training to every new employee.
  • We provide all necessary Personal Protective Equipment according to relevant Risk Assessments and we address their use through training, incentives and enforcement..
  • We encourage employees to identify unsafe behaviors and report unsafe conditions in order to continuously improve our working environment.
  • We provide safety training to our personnel on a regular basis.

To read our Health & Safety Policy click here.


Acting with responsibility ΕΜΕΚ Group has developed an environmental management system aiming at reducing the environmental footprint of its activities.
Within this framework:
  • EMEK SA is certified with ISO 14001:2015
  • We ensure that the current legislation and regulations are strictly applied providing all the necessary licenses for our operation.
  • We draw up and implement waste management plans for all our activities.
  • We separate our waste at sourceinto recyclable, rubbish and  specific waste for treatment. Waste management is assigned to authorized companies.
  • We invest in energy efficient equipment.
  • We replace the vehicles used by our personnel with low carbon vehicles, which are more environment-friendly.
  • We train our personnel on a regular basis on best environmental practices used at work, teaching them how to identify the environmental risks and their consequences.
  • We conduct environmental measurements, where necessary.

To read our Environmental Policy click here.